The Art of Spiritual Direction
Introduction to Spiritual Direction
The Spiritual Life - traditions & ways of praying
Developing the Art of Spiritual Direction
The aim is to offer participants a wide range of experience in:
ways of praying
traditions of Christian spirituality
the ministry of spiritual direction.
Dates: This course is now full for September 2024
Expected arrangements for 2026-28
Alternate Mondays during term time, excluding half-terms; 11am – 3.45pm
All course sessions held at The Stable Rooms, Histon, on the northern outskirts of Cambridge
Residential weekend held at Launde Abbey
Non returnable booking fee of £10
Course fees : To be confirmed, but in the region of £750 for Year 1 which includes a weekend residential retreat at Launde Abbey, and £500 for Y2
What is required of participants?
• Christian faith
• Some sense of vocation
• Recognition, acceptance and tolerance of people from a wide diversity of backgrounds
• An understanding that people differ with regard to individual spirituality, churchmanship, life experience, academic qualifications as well as in gender and culture
• An ability to be listened to, as well as to listen
• A willingness to share at a level that is appropriate and comfortable
• A preparedness to enter into the process with openness and flexibility
• A commitment to respect confidentiality
• An openness to a course structure that is not so rigid that it cannot be adapted and shaped as it progresses, nor so loose and flexible that participants feel adrift and unsupported; likewise, an acceptance of a range of learning styles that meets differing needs, and a willingness to participate in those approaches which are not our preference
• An acceptance that the course is experiential
• A recognition that the success of the course is dependent on the enthusiasm, generosity and flexibility of the course members toward each other and the tutors and a general acceptance that we are all working toward the one goal, that of serving God in this ministry.
The course has no academic requirements. Members of any Christian church are welcome to apply.
To express an interest in this course please email the Course Administrator, ccsd.secretary@gmail.com